Since ancient times, people have believed in various methods of healing. These beliefs persist in human society today. Moreover, through these healing practices, individuals manage to cope with their physical and mental ailments.
Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Methods and techniques
The Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Methods being spiritual healing methods constitute an alternative Therapeutic approach built upon a unique combination of philosophical and spiritual phenomena.
Vishwaprãni Spiritual Philosophy
Vishwaprãni Spiritual Philosophy is built upon Five Fundamental principles as follows:
- Spiritualism is the knowledge about the nature of the world.
- A person is a phenomenon created by the five senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body.
- The mind is the ultimate creation of these five senses.
- “Whether the world faces the person, or the person faces the world” is merely a conceptual form of knowledge.
- The world is naturally an emptiness.
Based on the above-mentioned Philosophical concepts, treatments are offered for Physical, Mental, and Psychosomatic conditions that arise in individuals. Additionally, solutions are provided for life’s failures and Clinical para Psychological cases dark entities and energies.
According to fundamental Buddhist Philosophy, a person is a combination of three realms: the Physical body, the Mental body, and the Energy body.
The fundamental teaching of the Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Philosophy, based on Buddhist thought, is that The World is a Mentally Created Concept. Therefore, we believe the human body as a manifestation of conditions that exist within the mind. Similarly, we can view the mind as a state that resides within the energy field. Ultimately, according to Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Philosophy , a Person is a Condition that Arises Upon the Energy Layer.
This energy layer is defined as the energy body. This energy body is formed based on five fundamental energies.
- The concept of pure existence forms the foundation for the creation of the Muladhara Chakra.
- The idea of sustained existence inspires the formation of the Svadhishthana Chakra.
- The notion of non-existence gives rise to the creation of the Manipura Chakra.
- The flow of movement and change is the essence behind the creation of the Anahata Chakra.
- The idea of space and expansion is the core from which the Vishuddha Chakra emerges.
The collective formation of Chakras created in this manner is known as the “Spiritual Energy Body.”
Within this Energy Body, the following elements are established. Patavi Dhathu; The Earth Element, based on the Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra). The Water Element; based on the Svadhishthana Chakra ( Sacral Chakra). The Fire Element; based on the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra). The Air Element; based on the Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra). And the Ether Element; based on the Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra).
These five elements give rise to the physical aspect of the individual mind. Physicality is a conceptual creation that occurs within these energies. Therefore, the foundational basis for all activities happening in a person’s mental body is rooted in the energy body.
Based on this understanding, various physical, mental, and other ailments that arise within individuals are addressed using “Diverse Therapeutic Methods and Techniques” derived from Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Practices. This is a holistic spiritual healing approach that is entirely grounded in the individual’s energy body.

The Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing therapeutic methods and techniques based on below seven chakras.

1.Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra
2.Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra
3.Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
4.Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra
5.Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra
6.Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra
7.Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra
By using these Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing therapeutic methods and techniques we cure simple and major Physical ailments of individuals. Below are some of the examples:
•Kidney and bladder infection
•Enlarged prostate-gland
•Urinary tract infection
•Gastric and duodenal ulceers
•Sexual impotence
•Arthritis and rheumatism
•Relieving cancer patients
•Reducing the rate of aging(old age)

For this treatment, we use following methods and techniques
- Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Philosophy
- Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Treatment Techniques
- Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Treatment Skills
- Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Meditation and Rituals.
Through the methods of Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing, it is possible to remove harmful dark entities and energies within an individual that arise from various external forces and to build a pure energy body. This Pure Energy Body then enables the individual to develop the good life they envision. In other words, the world they inhabit is a condition constructed by their own mind.
Traditional psychotherapy and Counselling have limitations in providing solutions to many of the issues faced by the human mind today. A primary reason for this is that Western Psychology is built upon concepts rooted in Physicality. It neglects the consideration of the Spirit that exists within individuals. Consequently, they treat the person merely as a physical entity, attempting to solve mental problems without addressing the deeper spiritual dimensions of the individual.
Vishwaprãni Spiritual Psychotherapy and Counselling, considers an individual as a Condition Built Upon an Energy Layer. Therefore, treatment methods and therapeutic approaches that are related to the energy body are often employed in this form of Psychotherapy.
Vishwaprãni Spiritual psychotherapy and Counselling therapeutic approaches helps to cure below disorders.
1.Anxiety disorder
2.Phobia disorder
3.Obsessive compulsive disorder (ODC)
4.Somatic symptom and related disorder
4.Mood disorder
6.Trauma-and stressor-related disorder
7.Sexual disorder
8.Psychotic disorder
9.Childhood and Adolescence disorder
10.Parkinson’s disease
11.Alzheimer’s disease
12.Personality disorder
13.Substance addictive behaviour disorder
Very effective spiritual energy treatments are provided for various mental issues. Through Vishwaprãni Spiritual psychotherapy and Counselling, individuals experience spiritual growth and improved mental health by integrating spiritual and Psychological principles.
The main characteristics of the methods used are:
- Building a Spiritual Philosophy: It helps individuals think in relation to their spiritual beliefs, goals, and aspirations.
- Mental Health: Providing support to face psychological issues, suffering, and risks through guidance and counselling.
- Assessment: Conducting a deep exploration of the individual’s experiences, likes, and expectations.
- Suggestions and Training: Providing guidance to develop inner strength through practices such as Vishwaprãni Meditation Techniques and Spiritual Healing Methods.
- Relationship Development: Suggest a unique spiritual solution for their personal related problem.
This guidance helps individuals connect with their spiritual and mental well-being, recognize various situations in society and life, and face them effectively.
The world is created from the Algorithms of Vibrational Frequencies. These vibrational waves shape the personality through the Chakras: Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra) , Svadhishthana Chakra ( Sacral Chakra), Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra) Vishuddha Chakra ( Throat Chakra ) Ajna Chakra ( Third Eye Chakra ). Within this constructed personality, various values and ailments arise due to different environmental and social conditions. These values and disturbances lead to various failures in both the individual’s worldly and spiritual lives.
To rectify these failures, various spiritual knowledge systems have developed sound wave vibration therapy techniques since ancient times. One such vibrational therapy method is known as “Singing Bowl Vibration Therapy.” Within the form of Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Techniques , there is a unique method of “Singing Bowl Vibration” Therapy that has been created to use for Healing Therapies.
Through this "singing bowl vibration" therapies an individual can gain below listed benefits:

•Reduces stress and anxiety
•Improves sleep and relaxation
•Lowers blood pressure
•Enhances immune system function
•Increases focus and clarity while relieving pain
•Control and Decreases Depression situations
•Boosts creativity and intelligence
•Frees emotional blockages
Ultimately, this helps individuals to attract Spiritual Healing Enlargement. We invite you all to experience the transformative power of these vibrational therapies for your own healing.
The founder of the Vishwaprãni Spiritual Healing Philosophy and Methods is Dr. Kasun Nagodavithana (Vishwaprãni Guru). Under the guidance of the Vishwaprãni Guru, many individuals are currently being trained Globally, of this Spiritual Healing Methodology.
If you wish to receive the Spiritual Divine Blessings of the Vishwaprãni Guru, you too can join this spiritual lineage and become one with it.